Jalebi - 550th Post

Yayyyy.. This is my 550th Post.. Feeling very very happy  & i Thank Everyone for all the Support..  


Maida / All Purpose Flour   :  2 cups
Rice flour                             : 1 1/2 tbsp
Baking soda                         : a pinch
Thick  Curd                          :  2 tbsp 
Salt                                       : 1/4 pinch
Oil for frying
Mixed nuts

For sugar syrup 

Sugar                             : 3 cups
Water                             : 3 cups 
Yellow food colour        : 1/2 pinch 


In a bowl, combine the rice flour, Maida, salt,curd and baking soda.
Pour water and whisk well until smooth. 
Cover the bowl and leave the batter to ferment for 12 hours or overnight.

Making the sugar syrup

Add sugar,water,yellow  food colour to a pan and bring to a boil on low flame.
Cook the syrup until it reaches the single thread stage.
Remove from heat and keep aside.

Cooking the Jalebi

Heat oil in a heavy bottomed pan.
Mix the batter and pour it into a squeeze bottle .
Squeeze the batter into the hot oil. ( draw circles)
Deep fry on medium flame until crisp.
Dip them in sugar syrup for 5 to 7 minutes.
Take them out from the syrup.
Garnish with mixed nuts and saffron and serve.

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