Soya Chunks Manchurian


Soya chunks   : 1 cup
Chopped onion : 1/2 cup
Chopped capsicum : 1/4 cup
Chopped garlic       : 2 tbsps
Maida                     : 1 tbsp
Corn flour              : 2 tbsps
Tomato sauce         : 2 tbsps
Soya sauce             : 2 tbsps
Chilly sauce            : 2 tbsps
Ginger - garlic paste  : 1 tsp
Spring onions chopped : 2 tbsps


Boil soya chunks in water for 10 mins.
Remove soya chunks from water ,squeeze and keep aside.
Take 1 tbsp corn flour,maida, ginger -garlic paste, salt..make a batter by adding water to this.
Dip soya chunks in this batter and deep fry in oil till golden brown.
Heat 3 tbsps of oil in another pan, add chopped garlic and chopped onion and fry for few mins.
Add chopped capsicum and stir.
Add tomato sauce, chilly sauce and soya sauce..mix well.
Add fried soya nuggets to this and mix well .
Mix remaining 1 tbsp corn flour in 1/4 cup of water and add it to the pan and cook till the gravy thickens.
Finally add chopped spring onion and serve.


  1. Soya chunks Manchurian looks so yummy!! I love it with fried rice

  2. Looks so flavourful! I like soya products.

  3. healthy recipe, looks great, tempting clicks, beautiful

  4. Wow!! that looks absolutely delicious and healthy too..:)

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