Schezwan Fried Rice


Cooked Basmati rice        : 1 cup
Chopped vegetables         : 1/2 cup ( i used carrot,capsicum,cabbage, beans )
Chopped onion               : 1/2 cup
Red chillies                     : 10 nos
Chopped garlic               : 2 tbsps
Soya sauce                     : 1 tbsp


Boil red chillies and 1 1/2 tbsps of garlic for 5 mins and let it cool.
Grind to a smooth paste and keep aside.
Heat the oil ,add the remaining garlic and saute till golden brown colour.
Add chopped onion and vegetables and saute for 3 mins. The vegetables should be crisp.
Now add red chilly + garlic paste and cook for another 2 mins.
Add the cooked rice,soya sauce, salt and mix well.
Toss for few seconds till all the ingredients are mixed well.
Serve with any raita .